Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Same-Sex Couples Can Marry in CT Starting Today

The Hartford Courant and Boston Globe, among others, are reporting that New Haven Superior Court judge Jonathan Silbert is expected to enter the final judgment in the Kerrigan case authorizing same-sex marriage. Once that happens, "same-sex couples are free to get marriage licenses." The Connecticut Supreme Court "ruled 4-3 last month that same-sex couples have the right to wed. The high court sent the case back to the Superior Court, where Judge Jonathan Silbert is slated to issue his ruling [today]." The AP says it is "unclear how many couples will get married" after Judge Silbert enters his judgment. The "state public health department says 2,032 civil union licenses were issued in Connecticut between October 2005 and July 2008." To read more about the Kerrigan case, go to our website.

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